Week-Long, O’Brien-Induced Alcoholic Coma
A major contributor to the enticement of my teenage Daughters by Lieutenant John O’Brien was the promise of “I’ll help you guys party”. The Predator advised Hailey and Hannah which particular Bourbon Street vendors would illegally serve them alcohol without age verification. Additionally, within this motel room upon their arrival neither to cease nor conclude until Hailey and Hannah escaped January 15, Lieutenant John O’Brien supplied Seagrams wine coolers and Jack Daniels Cinnamon Whiskey.
January 9 – January 14, 2020 devolved into a week-long alcohol-induced coma for my Daughters only to be interrupted by the sexual rampages and plunderings of Lieutenant John O’Brien.
I have received the complete, unspeakable accounts from Hailey and Hannah.
Every day Lieutenant John O’Brien required the girls, invariably while in an alcoholic daze, to kneel before him so that he could ejaculate his semen upon their face.
This is life-changing, spiritually-crushing trauma.